Please click on items to view :
  1. School Campus
  2. Spectrum of Activities at Y.I.S
  3. Our Principal with Dignitaries
  4. In-Service Hindi Workshop hosted by Yara International School
  5. Workshop for Middle Managament by Dr.A Senthil Kumaran
  6. Guidance & Counseling Programme for Students
  7. Inauguration of Yara Sports Academy by Renowned Cricketer Irfan Pathan
  8. Workshop on 'Preparing Leaders for the Future Learning Society'
  9. Visit of CBSE Officials
  10. TeachNext Launch
  11. KG Orientation 2024-25
  12. Academic Excellence Awards 2024
  13. Investiture ceremony 2024-25
  14. Motivational Session by Nuaym Shakeel 2024
  15. Field Trip 2024-25
  16. Red Day Celebrations 2024
  17. Field Trip - KG 2024
  18. International Day of Yoga 2024
  19. School Cabinet 2023-24 : Boys Section & Girls Section
  20. Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence- 2023 : Part-1
  21. Academic Excellence, Student Council Ceremony, Diary Cover Page 2023-24
  22. Riyadh Zonal Football Tournament 2023-24 : Part-1
  23. Smart Exam Preparation for CBSE Board Exam Students 2023
  24. Investiture Ceremony 2023
  25. Excellence Award 2022-23
  26. Mother's Day Celebrations 2023-24
  27. World Environment Day 2023-24
  28. Best out of Waste Campaign 2023-24
  29. Chess Competitions 2023-24
  30. International Day of Yoga at YIS 2023
  31. International Day of Yoga at Indian Embassy 2023
  32. XXXI Cluster Meet Champions 2023-24
  33. Saudi National Day Celebrations 2023
  34. Sir Syed Day Celebrations 2023-24
  35. Industrial Visit-Almarai 2023-24
  36. Karwan-E-Sukhan 2023 - Part 1 & Part 2
  38. Student Led Conferences - Home Room 2023-24
  39. Republic Day Celebrations 2024
  40. Kindergarten Graduation Day 2023-24 - Part 1 & Part 2
  41. Scouts & Guides 2023-24

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